Saturday, April 21, 2012

Knowing About The Science "Hakekat Besi Kursani"

As one of the many high-level safety sciences, Science Itself Cupu Kursani Body Iron is rarely handed down by the old masters of the past, present rarely have teachers who have this knowledge.

This iImu mastery secret not many people know it is caused generation heir to the science teacher is only lowered on certain people they want, indeed, they often can only be passed to offspring or their family members only. The essence of science is the science of body Cupu Iron category or Science empowering force or potential that exists within ourselves, which is the divine gift to man. In essence, every person without distinction of religion, race, love and the nation has a hidden potential and infinite strength within him, but rarely anyone could use it to its full potential.

Generation Science Cupu Body Itself, do not use the power of the devil or other black magic, but through prayer and the power of belief in the divine and of course have to be raised by a true teacher Materials Science Body Itself. Generation Science Cupu Body Itself, to enable the three energy sources that exist within our etheric body.

Cupu is oval-shaped container that is located on the right and left foot, and in the middle of the head or behind the ajna. Cupu This is a container that contains the essence of the body's energy and is a generator of energy in our body, this is the energy center. Cupu-cupu is largely contained in the three locations mentioned above, and referred to as Cupu Kursani Iron, Iron Cupu Kursani Cupu Fiber Moon and Kalam. Cupu each have strengths and specific functions. Iron Cupu Kursani, is the body's energy generator that contains the element iron.

Cupu is located on the right foot, in the etheric body of human energy. Kursani iron has the function of safety resources, including immune to all weapon attacks. Having aroused the Iron Kursani be collected at the solar plexus chakra.

Iron Cupu Kursani Moon, is the body's energy generating core containing iron metaphysical in the human etheric body. Iron core is located on the left side of the human foot. Metaphysical core of iron is different from the physical iron in the blood it contains, yet still pick the character as though iron is located within the human energy body has the properties of charm and appeal of the full moon. Iron core Kursani Month cupu located in a container or quail eggs in the palm of your left foot in the etheric body. Having raised will accumulate in the ajna chakra.

Fiber Cupu Kalam, this is the strongest power and the gathering strength both Cupu above. Fiber Cupu Kalam is located in the middle of the head or behind the ajna. Once the energy generated from this cupu will spread throughout the body and accumulate in the ajna chakra and the chakra Anahata.

Generation Science Cupu Body Itself, generating a third force Cupu above, forming an incredible secret power, the energy of the body covered by a secret that works well for psychic powers, magic and protection radar. Cupu-cupu it will not run out of energy while man is still alive, he will continue the process, and pooled. This is the grace of the Almighty Lord of whom we should empower

Iron Kursani

In Malay society, called the Iron Iron studies Kursani nature, which is the quintessence of the elements of iron found in a first land and the creation of Adam is still attached to the generation of offspring. Therefore, people who understand the confidential nature of iron in the body, God willing, will be saved Sang is Strong to be eaten by a gentlemen by the name of the iron and all are named Can-toxic.

Iron Kursani science, it's been very rare that own them, because the teachers are very picky earlier to drop him.

Iron Kursani science is typically reserved for safety anywhere and anytime time in transit by land, sea, air or just at home alone, to health, natural and divine away from bone and chronic disease for a long time, to activate the body's immune , to silence the enemy, for the fencing of precious objects from crime or theft, to increase the power stroke, for meradar hazards and toxins in the place and food, and to pierce the immunity of others who behave arrogant.

To fill the Iron Kursani science teachers should do this directly. There are several versions of iron spell kursani melayu according to the level of knowledge among muasalnya.

Here is a prayer iron kursani :

"Hi Iron White Iron Kursani
Pelilit iron on my hip
I like Ali's strong Saidina
I like the gallant Hamza Saidina
Alhamdu, Alhamdu, Alhamdu
Do you eat the liver of white
You eat flesh and blood
If you eat the liver of white
Thou disobedient to God,
Hi Kaddam Kuddim
Get out you than a place of evil
Petala seventh heaven and earth into seven petala
Get out there than the place you
Thanks to the prayer of the prophet Muhammad Lailaha illallah "

And a longer spell of iron Indonesian kursani namely:

arise iron kursani
In the rod body,
I know the deck
Laahaula quataillabillahi wa laa 'aliyul' adzim,
I know the deck kanda Yahun
Laahaula quataillabillahi wa laa 'aliyul' adzim,
Fillah amri Saina got nan
I know the deck
Laahaula quataillabillahi wa laa 'aliyul' adzim,
Sandalmanzud Rasulullahi salallahu alaihi yours respectfully
Qullahu 'adzim. Alfatihah ".


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