Kediri downtown on the east side of the river Brantas, there is a traditional market, Setono Bethek, bamboo palace. There are more Setono Gedhong, stone palace. These places are really the royal palace of Kediri in the past? There is a different name on the west bank of the river Brantas interesting: Lor Bandar, Bandar Kidul. Apparently it had in the past an ancient port?
Over the centuries, Sri Aji Joyoboyo interesting figure with predictions-predictions that some people, especially residents on the island of Java, believe and assume that the prediction has proved correct, for example, the figure of the leadership of President Sukarno had predicted him as a son of the mother comes from the island of the Gods; forecast yet another entry of the whole army of Dai Nippon corn was predicted 900 years ago as the dwarf midget abysmal, and so on, so we tried a little help with this small writing.
At approximately 1135 maraklah later became the king of Kediri kings of the Archipelago: Joyoboyo or Jayabhaya. His authority is based in Kediri, East Java, and areas under the influence of power covers the entire island of Java (Java ) plus Jambi, Tidore, and Kalimantan.
Kediri, now that we know as the municipality, once the administrative center of a maritime empire that succeeded in unifying the Java most areas of the archipelago, is always a rush of foreign troops: in 1007 stormed the Sriwijaya kingdom in Kediri Medang Kamulan to overthrow the king Dharmawangsa in retaliation for attacks Medang against Sriwijaya kingdom in 990, Arok Ganter defeat of Kediri in 1221, then in 1292 the Mongol armies of Kublai Khan in 1000 stormed the ship that sailed directly from China to take revenge on Sri Krtanegara. What is immoral? By-law the king of Java (Krtanegara), Raden Wijaya, the Mongol army led to storm the palace Kediri Jayakatwang welcome, until destroyed. And in 1527 the last of the royal UB Daha (Kediri), battered by the forces of Islamic Mataram Trenggono. Last Trunojoyo national fighters defeated by the Dutch in Kediri.
In the court Joyoboyo maritime military forces of Kediri kingdom lies in a strong navy in his time to be able to keep the area across from the island kingdom that is far from the center of power in the interior of the eastern part of Java.
Kediri city we know today is split by the Brantas river, the river is approximately 1000 meters wide. In the past, the ships of war and trade are expected to navigate along the Brantas river began to flow from the sea port in Surabaya keep heading inland to snuggle Kediri city center, now a river port location in Kediri was named Joyoboyo port, its location in the area which is now called Bandar Lor.
One mile to the west from the port of Bandar or port Joyoboyo the road stretched straight toward the hill klotok (literal meaning: thok colonial, colonial many, many diseases).
A giant stone inscription is still a mystery of its origins, believed to be built in the golden era of the Kediri kingdom, the era Joyoboyo. Cave-shaped stele measuring 3 x 10 meters was named Mangleng (ie museums). Building goa Mangleng or Selomangleng, also referred to the museum which was founded around the year Joyoboyo 1150s at the time it lies quite sheltered Joyoboyo lies between the hills.On the front (50 meters) Kumambang Mas is a hill which, according to the local population famous for the legend of magic thief. Maling sakti Ki Boncolono who lived in the Dutch colonial period it was named along with two companions Tumenggung Poncolono and Tumenggung Mojoroto. Graveyard on the hill three Mas Kumambang. Kediri City Government has built a ladder to the top of Mas Kumambang cast.
Why just build a natural stone cave than three hundred years before it has stood the Borobudur Temple yang megah di Jawa Tengah? majestic in Central Java?
It is estimated that Goa is part of the hill Selomangleng Kumambang Mas (gold floating), but then separated by a road around a hill, so the caves can be reached from two directions.
If we climb the hill Klotok it straight right after traveling about two miles to the top of the center, we can find and discover ruins Dewi Kilisuci, right on the side of a small waterfall flowing down into the creek. Dewi Kilisuci is one of the kids or grants King Airlangga, who dwells in Kediri in 1035.
King Jayabaya ruins in the village now known Pamenang or Mamenang, Dist. Pagu. Ceiling is about six miles to the east of the city center located in the region of Kediri Kelud foot.
Kediri kingdom Center is estimated to be around Goa Selomangleng, there is an area that is now a Boto Lengket headquarters Brigif (Infantry Brigade) XVI. In the area near the village of Boto Lengket, Bujel, it has been discovered accidentally bricks large buried in the ground which is probably the former building foundation material. The discovery was never published, because of its personal discovery. It is estimated that XVI Brigif headquarters right in the newly built within the last two years that's where the center of the kingdom of Kediri in the reign of King Sri Aji Joyoboyo.
Why Brigif XVI Kediri was built there by coincidence? In terms of strategy of war, so it was very strategic location for the field of defense from enemy attacks. It lies somewhere between the hills are heavily wooded in the past, suitable for temporary shelter if attacked by the enemy. And to withdraw from large-scale attack could enter the forest at the foot of the hill klotok. Plus in the past, from the top of the hill Mas Kumambang a soldier can watch the harbor and the town of Kediri, once signaled the arrival of the enemy that attacked from the rivers or from the mainland.
It's really a strategic place in the ancient war strategy.
In the vicinity of the hypothesis at the palace north of the region there is a spring that to this day never dry despite drought.
For the effectiveness of the government palace, the location is not very far from the port of Bandar hypothesis.When the royal guest of honor came through the Brantas River, the journey is not so far to get to destinations in the palace of Kediri.
Airlangga Museum on the south side of the hill Mas Kumambang built by the local government of Kediri City Museum is located just across from King Joyoboyo built Goa Selomangleng. Goa Selomangleng for thousands of years as a prototype of the houses in the land of Java. There senthong left, there senthong right. And there are two living room. In the tradition of middle senthong Java should not be inhabited. And are only used for certain ceremonies or putting offerings.
The stone cave inside is filled with decorative wall drawings, and in senthong right (viewed from outside the cave) there was a place of worship the statue of king Airlangga incarnation of Vishnu which still has not been tampered smooth hands of ignorant. At the entrance to the left there is a greeter and eagle statues and the King grants ride damaged by ignorant hands.
One of the predictions Joyoboyo, Ronggowarsito, and uga Siliwangi ie of the appearance of the Ratu Adil or tangible Satrio piningit Satrio bocah angon lived by the river, is not up to now is still a mystery and also the name of the river is also a mystery. But the river is expected is the Brantas river according to the prediction when the queen appeared fair in East Java.
As a hypothesis currently vaguely Ratu Adil with these characteristics are already appears even nominate himself as the number one man in the NKRI, but not successfully blocked legislation candidate presidential elections. Satrio piningit it received strong support directly or indirectly from a giant company G2 located on the banks of the Brantas River town of Kediri, headquartered just across the harbor tour Joyoboyo. Satrio Piningit Ratu Adil candidates are still vague came from areas located right in the middle of symmetrical than the western and the eastern tip of Java island.
Currently leading the Archipelago appearance Satrio Piningit its time has yet arrived, that moment will come when there has been a big goro-goro/chaos happens by the will of god, civil commotion over the new world order will be formed the following roles and positions of the highest in the earth's southern archipelago. Order a new government in the archipelago that later led by Satrio Piningit, Ratu Adil.
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