According to historian WJ van der Meulen, Original Regional Center (royal) Galuh, namely around KAWALI (Ciamis district now). Next WJ van der Meulen argued that the word "galuh", derived from the word "sakaloh" means "the river of origin", and in the tongue Banyumas become "Segaluh".
In Sanskrit, the word "galu" indicates a kind of jewel, and is also commonly used to refer to the king's daughter (who was ruled) and not married. As a history of other towns and districts in West Java, the sources told the origins of an area is generally classified as traditional historiography which contain elements of myth, fairy tales or legends in addition to the historical elements.
These manuscripts include Carios Wiwitan Kings in Java Island, Wawacan Galuh History, and also with my manuscript Galunggung Galuh History, Ciung Vanara, Carita Waruga Teacher, Historical Bogor. These texts are generally written in the 18th century until the 19th century. There is also the manuscripts of his contemporaries or near the time of the Kingdom of Galuh.
These manuscripts, including Trance Siksakanda 'Karesian Ng, written in 1518, when the Kingdom of Sunda was still there and Carita Parahyangan, written in 1580. Galuh establishment as a kingdom, according to the manuscripts first group can not be separated from the figures as Queen Queen Galuh First.
In a report written Galuh History Research Team (1972), there are many royal names as follows: Kingdom Galuh Sindula (according to other sources, the Kingdom of Bojong Galuh) located in its capital Medang LAKBOK and Gili (year 78 AD?); Kingdom located Rahyang Galuh in Brebes with capital Medang Pangramesan; Kalangon Galuh located in its capital Roban Medang Pangramesan; Galuh Lalean Cilacap is located in the capital is Medang Kamulan; Galuh Banjarsari PATARUMAN capital located in Banjar PATARUMAN; Galuh Kalinga is located in its capital Bojong Karangkamulyan; Tanduran Galuh located in its capital Pananjung Bagolo ; Galuh Kumara located in Tegal capital is Medangkamulyan; Galuh Pakuan capital is KAWALI; Pajajaran capital located in Bogor Pakuan; Galuh banners are located in its capital Nanggalacah banners; District Central Nagara Galuh Cineam located in its capital Bojonglopang then Gunungtanjung; District located in Imbanagara Galuh Barunay ( Pabuaran) Imbanagara and the capital is located in District Cibatu Galuh capital is Ciamis (since 1812).
For historical research, when the Kingdom Galuh established, can be traced from contemporary sources in the form of tablets. There is an inscription that includes the name "Galuh", although the name without the explanation of the location and time. In inscription dated 910, King Balitung referred to as "Rakai Galuh". In Siman inscription dated 943, stated that "I kadatwan rahyangta Bhumi mdang I ingwatu galuh mataram".
Then in a Calcutta Charter stated that the enemy attackers fled into Galuh Airlangga and the West, they were destroyed in the year 1031 AD. In some inscriptions in East Java and in the Book Pararaton (estimated to be written in the 15th century), mentioned a place called "Hujung Galuh" located on the banks of the river Brantas. Galuh name as the capital is called multiple times in the text of a stele dated 732, found in the pages of Mount Wukir enshrinement in Hamlet Canggal (near Muntilan now).
In the Parahyangan carita, mentioned that King Maharaja based in KAWALI. After becoming king for seven years, went to Java, there was war in Majapahit. From other sources note that the King Hayam Wuruk, the newly ascended the throne in 1350, daughter of King Maharaja asked to become his wife. Only, it is said, Gajah Mada's daughter wants a tribute.
King of Sunda not accept this arrogant Majapahit and choose to fight until killed in action in Bubat. Her son is named Void Wastu Kancana was still small. Therefore kingdom Bunisora Hyang held some time before they handed over to the Void Wastu Kancana as an adult. Information on the Void Wastu Kancana, can be clarified by the evidence of the inscription and the inscription KAWALI Batutulis and Kebantenan.
Mataram to Galuh invasion strengthened during Sultan Agung. Penguasa Galuh, Adipati Panaekan, diangkat menjadi Wedana Mataram dan cacah sebanyak 960 orang. Galuh ruler, Duke Panaekan, was appointed Wedana Mataram and mince as much as 960 people.
When Mataram planning attacks against VOC in Batavia in 1628, the mass of Mataram in Priangan argued. Rangga Gempol I of Sumedang for example, reinforced the defense wanted the former, while the Tatar Dipati Ukur of Measure, wanted the attacks carried out immediately. Conflict occurs also in Galuh between the Duke's sister-in-law Panaekan Dipati Kertabumi, Regent on Bojonglopang, son of King Dimuntur Geusan Ulun descendants of Sumedang.
In the dispute Panaekan Duke was killed in 1625. He later changed his son Mas Dipati Imbanagara based in Garatengah (Cineam now). During Dipati Imbanagara, the capital was moved from District Galuh Garatengah (Cineam) to Calingcing. But shortly later moved to Bendanagara (PANYINGKIRAN). In the year 1693, the Company appointed Regent Sutadinata as Regent Galuh Angganaya replace. In 1706, he was also replaced by Kusumadinata I (1706-1727).
In the mid-19th century, ie during the reign of the Regent Kusumadiningrat RAA Galuh, the colonial government was keen-giatnya implement compulsory. People in Region Galuh, besides being forced to plant indigo plant coffee, too.
To ease the burden to be borne by the people, RAA Kusumadiningrat known as "Kangjeng Prabu" by the people, building canals and dams to irrigate the area pesawahan. Since the year 1853, Kangjeng Prabu lived in the residence of the royal palace named Selagangga. Between 1859-1877, carried out building in the capital district.
Besides, her attention to education is very big. Kangjeng Prabu ruled until 1886, and his post passed to his son, the Duke of Raden Aria Kusumasubrata. In 1915, District Residency included Galuh Priangan, and officially renamed to Ciamis District.
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